4/4/2020 -- Davis Cherry Blossom Festival postponed


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The Davis Cherry Blossom Festival, scheduled for April 4-5, has been postponed till October.

The Davis Cherry Blossom Festival, originally scheduled for April 4-5, has been postponed, likely till October.

The annual free, all-ages weekend includes music, food, art, culture and beer, presented by the nonprofit Davis Cherry Blossom Festival, Bakuhatsu Taiko Dan, and Sudwerk Brewing Co. Like many events in Yolo County, it draws a substantial crowd. The Yolo County Health Department is asking organizers to hold off on gatherings of 150 people or more, to increase “social distancing” and thwart community spread of the coronavirus.

The Japanese hanami tradition celebrates spring’s flower blooms, especially the cherry (sakura) trees. By moving it to October, the festival will celebrate another Japanese observance, tsukimi: viewing and honoring of the autumn moon.

Since it’s already brewed, Sudwerk will still release a limited-edition Hanami (beauty of the cherry blossom) beer in 16-ounce cans and on draft, this year donating a percentage of the proceeds to Tsuru for Solidarity, a direct-action organization that defends immigrants’ rights. The beer should be available at the brewery’s Dock Store beginning Friday, April 3. The brewery taproom and kitchen remain open as usual.

Gregory Wada, executive director of the nonprofit that produces the festival, said, “In the spirit of this festival, with its focus on social and environmental justice, we want to do our part to cooperate with public health efforts to protect vulnerable members of our community.”

Meanwhile, the group is organizing a web concert, where viewers will be encouraged to donate to Tsuru for Solidarity. For updates on that and the festival, visit https://davischerryblossomfestival.weebly.com/.

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Event listing posted on March 12, 2020 4:54PM