5x5 Brewing Company

5x5 Brewing Company

(956) 445-5421
Mission, TX
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801 N. Bryan Rd, Suite 174
Mission, TX 78572 USA
5x5 Brewing Co. is a Veteran owned and operated small batch brewery based in South Texas. We pride ourselves on crafting beers that stand apart from the norm! 5x5 Brewing Co. (pronounced Five by Five) is the brain child of brothers Matt Mazur and George Rice and a longtime friend. Displeased with available variety of beers in the RGV in the early 1990s Matt Mazur and his college buddy played with the idea of starting a beer centric publication to help educate local RGV beer drinkers in hopes to develop a demand for more new and exciting beers. The publication idea never launched but with a strong interest in beers our brewmaster began a 15 year journey into the home brewing scene. With a few well received competitions he was able to hone his craft and develop the incredible recipies that are used today at 5x5 Brewing. With the tireless hard work from the three Co-Founders and childhood friend Sean Downey, 5x5 Brewing was able to get the momentum to go from a 20 year old idea of writing about beer to creating the beer that our fans love and crave. George Rice & Sean Downey proudly served in our U.S. Military and it is with the love for their brothers in arms & an unquenchable love for beer that the 5x5 Brewing Company has adopted its military theme, including its name which was a term used by radio operators to describe when signal and clarity was at it's best.
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Year Round Beers

Beer Name Style
Teufel Hunden Altbier Amber Ale
40mm Stout Stout
Hellcat Belle Red Rye Ale Rye
Liberator Cherry Cream Ale Crème Ale
Spitfire Golden Ale Golden/Blonde
Brunette Bombshell Brown Ale

Seasonal Beers

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Limited Releases

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Upcoming Events

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Past Events

Date Title Type Location
7/14/2018 Grand Opening
7/14/2018 -- Mission, TX
Grand Opening
Other Mission, TX