3/2/2019 -- Huge Beer Release and Cousins Maine Lobster Food Truck


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2 Beer Releases and Cousins Maine Lobster Food Truck

Huuuge beer release day on March 2nd. To make it even biggerer, we're hosting Cousins Maine Lobster food truck, too!

Here's the scoop -
Beer 1 is a super secret beer we've been talking about doing for a year. It's test batch #1 of our upcoming American light lager, meant to be the ultimate thirst quencher on the Hot Carolina days ahead. Designed to come in at 4.2% alcohol and around 100 calories. #summertimeQuencher

Beer 2 is the latest in our PlioSour series. We first brewed this for Beericana 2017 and people have asked after it ever since. Yup, it's the citrus, lemongrass & ginger that blew folks away. It's baaaack....

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Event listing posted on February 26, 2019 1:57PM