6/9/2018 -- Avery Brewing Invitational


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We are bringing together approx. 200 world-class beers for your tasting pleasure!

We are thrilled to announce the Avery Brewing Invitational, a celebration of great beer for the sake of great beer. The selection you will find was hand-picked from wish-lists submitted by the entire Avery team. From your trusty tallboy to your cork-and-cage, we're on the hunt to find the best of 'em!

If you're wondering what's up with this year's Strong Ale Fest and SourFest, look no further! The Invitational brings these together, plus even more styles and beer experiences.

Mark your calendars for June 9th and expect to see tickets on sale April 17th at 9am MDT.

All proceeds benefit Colorado Water Trust, a non-profit that works with many diverse partners, including breweries, to keep Colorado’s rivers healthy, flowing and full of water.

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Event listing posted on April 17, 2018 11:57AM