9/25/2017 -- PSU's Basic Business for Craft Beverages, Course Start

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1 of the 4 fully-online PSU courses required to complete a Business of Craft Brewing Certificate

This non-credit course provides an overview of the craft brewery business - from grower to glass. You will be introduced to the various players and processes that go into making and selling craft beer, from growing grains and hops to malting, brewing, distribution, and retail environments. You'll also cover the different strategies and associated costs of creating a craft beer along with the different types of business models for selling craft beverage products. Business models for Distilleries and Alcoholic Cider facilities will be included.

What You Cover

An overview of the craft brewing industry, competitive dynamics, trends, and opportunities
The process of getting from the field to the end consumer and the associated costs
The regulatory environment in specific regions, associated taxes and licenses, and constraints on the different business models
Strategies for differentiating product
Create a basic business plan for a new or existing business

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Event listing posted on August 16, 2017 1:09PM