10/14/2017 -- Buena Vista GABF Tappings

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On 10/14 we're tapping unique & rare beers from Jester King, American Solera, Scratch, and more!

On Saturday, October 14th we're tapping some very unique and rare beers from out-of-state brewers coming in for GABF. We'll be announcing our Draught List soon, but expect offerings from Jester King Brewery, American Solera, Alesong Brewing and Blending, Scratch Brewing Company, Lawson's Finest Liquids, Societe Brewing Company, Beachwood BBQ Blendery, Half Acre Beer Company, Fort George Brewery and more! We will also be adding some amazing bottles to our list thanks to the above brewers!

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Event listing posted on October 5, 2017 4:21PM