6/3/2017 -- 18 Mile Red Grand Cru Release

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Carolina Bauernhaus is releasing bottles of 18 Mile Red Grand Cru on June 3

We will be releasing bottles of this year's blend of 18 Mile Red Grand Cru on June 3 in the Carolina Bauernhaus taproom.

18 Mile red is our sour red ale brewed with North Carolina grown heirloom rye malt. This unique regional ale is fermented with a blend of native yeast strains and a pair of traditional Brettanomyces strains then aged for six months in a collection of regional wine barrels. This rustic refined ale has a bright acidity drawn from a locally collected strain of lactobacillus and is chock full of rich dark fruit notes balanced by an oaky barrel character.

$20 per 750ml bottle with no purchase limit. Bottles will be available in the taproom at noon & we'll also have a keg on draft for you to try. Cheers!

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Event listing posted on May 31, 2017 6:22PM