3/21/2020 -- Orval Day 2020


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Annual celebration of Orval Day, benefiting the Safe Water Network.

On Saturday, March 21, devotees of Orval Trappist Ale – and some folks who hadn’t tried it yet – will convene upon their favorite bar to celebrate one of the world’s unique and most highly-respected beers. Orval was the first Brett beer to land on US shores, and has become the favorite beer for many star American brewers. ( "Brett" - brettanomyces - is a yeast variety that adds appetizing, sharp acidity and dryness.) Orval sells just one beer, brewed to exquisite perfection within the walls of Notre Dame d’Orval Monastery in Belgium. It’s delicious when it leaves the brewery, but also evolves in the bottle for five years or more.

Each year Merchant du Vin will make a donation to charity based on US sales of Orval on Orval Day, and participation and sales have grown each year. (Last Orval Day, 2019, saw over 600 accounts participating, across the USA.) If you drink, buy or sell an Orval Trappist Ale on Orval Day - thanks! #OrvalDay

Our charity partner for 2020 is again Safe Water Network, helping to bring clean, sustainable water to communities in Ghana and India. After we tally up Orval Day 2020 sales, Merchant du Vin will donate 50 cents to Safe Water Network for every bottle of Orval sold.

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Event listing posted on March 11, 2020 1:59PM