W.G. Barr Beverage Co. Releases Ad for Snake Bite

SAN FRANCISCO — Bay Area startup W.G. Barr Beverage Company today released “Snake Bite Super Powers,” a web commercial promoting the venture’s new beverage brand, T.W. Pitchers’ Snake Bite.

Snake Bite, a bottled blend of lager and apple cider, is based on a popular British pub-mixed drink and is the first of its kind in the American beverage industry. It contains 5.1% alcohol by volume and offers consumers a crisp, refreshing, and easy to drink alternative to other beverages in the category.

After launching four weeks ago, T.W. Pitchers’ Snake Bite is now available in over 100 stores and bars in San Francisco.

The video was produced by San Francisco boutique production company Avocados and Coconuts.